So here at Casa Nobay, we're disinfecting with a homemade solution of bleach and water ... Mail and packages brought in and quarantined/untouched for 3+ days ... Grocery purchases and any other trips out are grouped and done to the minimum extent possible ... I think we've left the house thrice in the past 4 weeks ... when we need to go out, we wear a glorified bandana, hat and wear gloves 100% of the time ... when we come in from any trip beyond our property, all external clothes are removed immediately and washed, hands washed thoroughly ... then, with clean hands, we spray down all surfaces we touched with "hot hands" (steering wheel, door levers, shift levers, window controls, radio, zippers, doorknobs, etc...) and leave the solution on for 10+ minutes ... we dry these surfaces with a clean towel and throw that in the laundry as well ... I know its extreme, but that's how we roll here ... In any event, we're trying to minimize our exposure, while still being able to conduct the activities of daily living
I mix the bleach solution at ½ cup per gallon ... slightly stronger than CDC guidelines but well within normal, non-dangerous levels ... YMMV
Now I don't feel as weird dumping mail and packages in my foyer for a few days. As for sanitizing with chlorox...I just use soap and water. Isn't that as effective?
Thanks Rommel, good advice! I have 3 Clorox bleach containers and they all have fine print on the back label that states that they are not for sanitation or disinfecting. Don’t understand how it can be called bleach and not disinfect..