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Cursed to know the future and be unheeded

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Why "Viral Load" matters

(Mental image – a 6’x6’x6’ box, great air circulation within, no external inputs) Viral Load – SARS-CoV-2 infection occurs after inhaling...

India and SARS-CoV-2

I had mentioned earlier how bad this is going to be in India ... here, a writer discusses the kinetics of what is going to happen and how...

SARS-CoV-2 and Freezing

Viruses are not "alive" in terms of cellular activity ... they are just oily membranes ("lipid" bi or monolayer) and, sometimes, protein...

Homemade Masks

N95 masks designed for infection control are made of specialized filtration material engineered for that function ... Homemade masks can...

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Everything posted in this blog is my personal opinion based on decades of working in Health Data Science  ... I have never been employed as a Virologist, but I am routinely paid to advise them ;-) ... Most recently, I was the SVP of Analytics and Informatics at WIN Healthcare (my position was eliminated  at the end of Feb '20)

Essentially, I'm an Executive Data Scientist with decades of work in and around Health Care ... I run the department and staff who take care of data analytics, data warehousing business intelligence, actuarial analysis, create external/internal/regulatory reporting, develop KPIs, respond to regulators, special interests and stakeholders, and tell the sales and operational stories with clear and compelling data and visualizations ... I'm in charge of the technology "stack", the data flow, governance, implementation, processing, dissemination, consumption and appropriate utilization ... "Data Science" is a fancy new term for what I've been doing for decades in Health Care - at Coopers & Lybrand, Middlesex Hospital, Pfizer, Medco, Genzyme, Universal American/Wellspring, Baylor Scott & White and most recently WINHealthcare

I graduated from Princeton (Woodrow Wilson School - "In the Nation's Service") and Yale grad  school (MPH - Yale Laboratories of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Medicine) ... I had planned on going to Medical School decades ago and was accepted at several places, but life and circumstance intervened and I never got to go - that ship sailed for me but, in hindsight, it turned out to be a very good thing.

Currently, I'm enjoying my time at home with my family and the opportunity to get some projects done, but I'll want to go back to work in short order, so if you have a job lying around (or know of one) please let me know ;-)

PM me if you want to connect on LinkedIn or Facebook ... I don't really Tweet or Instagram ;-)

Other stuff - Ultimate Frisbee, Yale Div School Frisbee, CT Men's Ultimate Grand Master ;-), Cub Scout Den Master, Scout Dad, Girl Scout Dad, Greenwich RTM (multiple terms), Greenwich Democratic Town Committee, GDTC District 8 Chairperson, chief cook, bottlewasher and chauffeur for my young family ;-)

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