Viruses are not "alive" in terms of cellular activity ... they are just oily membranes ("lipid" bi or monolayer) and, sometimes, protein sheaths encasing either DNA or RNA ("retrovirus") ... they have minimal or no cytoplasm and no cellular machinery to replicate ... they need to hijack a host cell and its machinery to recreate
Freezing occasionally works to kill *bacteria* and other eukaryotes, since the water in the cytoplasm can freeze and the water crystals pierce the membrane and/or break cellular machinery ... freezing is ineffective against viruses that have neither water nor cellular machinery to break ... in fact, we *preserve* viruses by freezing them (BTW this is why scientists and public health officials are concerned about the thawing permafrost - all those deadly and nasty Anthrax, Spanish Flu & Smallpox viral particles are getting released up north)
So, when bringing frozen foods home should be be spraying them with clorox mix because they may have frozen virus on the box or bag? Just wondering.