No, SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a bioweapon … the pretty incredible amount of research that has already been done on this, shows that its origin is zoonotic (either Malay Pangolins or Bats – most likely the former) and that it shows evidence of natural selection pressure to become more infective in humans … Published, peer-reviewed studies on this show a clear trace of the mutations from original source to what we’re currently facing … The question remains whether it acquired mutations allowing it be become deadly before jumping to Humans, or after … my betting is on the latter since the ACE2 pathway it seems to be using is really only selectively beneficial to the virus after is in humans already … I’d guess we’re going to find that it had “cryptic spread” (undiagnosed symptomless infection) for months if not years in Wuhan/Hubei and only recently acquired the mutations making it a deadly lung infection
This is a good descriptive article, sent to me by Kenneth Berv on this issue